Food Vendors on the Midway
Performances Friday TBD Main Building North Stage
9:00am Judging Swine, Beef, Dairy, Goats, Sheep
followed by Small Animals (poultry, rabbits, pets)
NDSU Extension 701.288.5180
Entries 9:00am to 12:30pm | Judging 1:00pm
4-H Interview Judging 1:00 to 5:00pm
NDSU Extension 701.288.5180
6:00pm Static Achievement Showcase - south of exhibit building
5:00 to 10:00pm
Becky Schnabel 701.226.9325
Rides | Games | Concessions
Streets | B-Mods | Hobby Stock | Legends
Gates open at 5:00 Race Car Rides for Kids 6:45
Chris Opsahl 701.709.0832
Ashley is back again with her energy filled show! If you missed this performance last year, here is your chance! Ashley's talents entertain audiences across the country. Ashely and her band bring the energy and performance that will leave you cheering for more! Don't miss this chance to party with Ashley one more time!